Click on image above to see all the images in the portfolio
Each portfolio comes in a numbered 11X14 Archival Century Box.
A detailed colophon and numbered vellum are included.
Pigment-based images are 6"X9" on 11"X14" Moab Lasal Semigloss heavyweight 330gsm paper printed by the artist.
Each print is captioned, numbered, and signed by the artist.
Legendary rock star Debbie Harry of Blondie wrote the introduction to the portfolio.
Miss Harry signed each introduction that comes with the portfolio.
Debbie Harry and Allan Tannenbaum have collaborated on many iconic photographs from New York in the 1970s.
Debbie Harry's thoughtful introduction
The colophon details the performer, venue, and date.
For pricing and availability please contact
Allan Tannenbaum